Computed Tomography — an Emerging Tool for Triple Rule-Out in the Emergency Department. A Review

DOI: 10.1515/jce-2017-0005


New imaging tools have been developed in recent years to rapidly and accurately diagnose life-threatening diseases associated with high mortality rates, such as acute coronary syn- dromes, acute aortic dissection, or pulmonary embolism. The concept of using computed to- mographic (CT) assessment in emergency settings is based on the possibility of excluding multiple acute pathologies within one scan. It can be used for patients complaining of acute chest pain of unclear etiology with the possible association of acute coronary dissection or pulmonary embolism, but only a low to moderate risk of developing an acute coronary syn- drome. One of the benefits of this protocol is the possibility of decreasing the number of patients who are hospitalized for further investigations. The technique also allows the rapid triage of patients and the safe discharge of those who show negative results. The aim of this review is to summarize the current medical literature regarding the potential use of CT for the triple rule-out (TRO) of coronary etiologies